Mary Poppins Carpet Bag Shoes…

8 Aug

Wassup?  I said, WASSUP?  Today was a good day so I’m in a good mood.

It didn’t feel much like a Manic Monday.  I went to work and pretended to be professional.  The dress code is pretty relaxed.  We can wear jeans everyday which is nice.  But I do get sick of wearing jeans, especially in the summer.  Today I threw on some white pants from American Eagle and paired them with a really old Oakley shirt.  I put on some brown sandals…

I felt guilty about the sandals  (and looking at picture now makes me think…HIDEOUS.  WTH was I thinking).  Being that I felt guilty and I knew I’d be paranoid about them (since at work they say, “NO SANDALS” (they’re pretty clear about it)) I changed them.  Even though it may have looked idiotic, I put on my Mary Poppins carpet bag shoes instead.  Very comfortable.  They’re actually made by the brand, Sanuk.

I so love that movie (and The Sound of Music).  Remember how MP had that bag and she took out all kinds of crap out of it (like a frickin’ coat tree?!).   I need to watch it again.

To tell you the truth, I shouldn’t have worn either shoe today.  I should have gone barefoot.  Those MP carpet bag shoes look huge on me.   Let’s just focus on the shirt.  It’s safer…

Came home with the intentions of running right after work.  Except, I had to stop at the store.  Stopping at the store ALwaYS makes me hungry so I sabotaged myself and went home and had leftovers (which were blah).

I did manage to run but I didn’t start it until 3:23pm.  I did good though because I ran 10:46 miles with an average mile of 8:30 (which is faster than I usually run).  It was cloudy at first but then the sun came out, “balls out”, that is.  It was only 77 degrees but it felt hotter.  My right hamstring was talking really loud the whole run.

RANDOM FACT — Gas was $3.56 a gallon today.  I didn’t buy any.

Started a Healthy Cooking recipe of Simple Minestrone soup (soo good).  I usually start stuff but then I require The Who’s (my daughter) help to finish it up.  I needed her to step in because Brucee had practice tonight (he has practice 4 out of the 5 days this week — that’s some crazy craze).  The Who’s great at stepping in when I need her help (and she loves to cook).  I keep saying this but I’m going to miss the hell out of her when she goes back to school (Aug 25th).

The Who told me to stop referring to her as Who Ha (ex… I love my little Who Ha).  She’s says it’s not appropriate.  Huh?  What?!

Ran off with Brucee and a SF Red Bull and half eaten celery stalk covered in peanut butter to Brucee’s practice. Dropped him off and ran off to shop (I suck, I know).  I went to Urban Outfitters and my daughter gave good advice (kind of ) by telling me to go just to the clearance area.  I scored!!  I got a head cover thingee (correct name?!), a belt, a green skirt, a bandeau (for a girl who has smaller breasts than me), purplee tights, and a small purse for when I need to go boozin’ with my husband, Micker.  Here I am wearing all my new goodies…

I think this could actually be a “bar” outfit (originally I didn’t plan on wearing my new things together but, they do all kind of work well together). 

Now I wasn’t totally being selfish when I was shopping today.  Before going into Urban, I went into another store.  They’re getting rid of their guys’ stuff so they had all the guys’ jeans 1/2 off.  Joe Jeans for Mick for $70?  I’m serious (serious this one time).  I almost got em but he has a big butt and big thighs and they were marked “classic fit” so I didn’t want to have to return them.  I’d rather tell him about them in hopes that he’ll want to go there and try them on first.

I was so happy because today I discovered that Betsey Johnson is following me on The Twitter (@shellyinmi).  If she sees my blog she’ll be in awe of my dressing (picture above is a perfect example).  Actually, maybe she’ll feel sorry for me and send me free clothes.  That would be so awesome.

I’ve been putting this off (3 days now), but I took a picture of one Mick’s recent purchases at the fair.  I was so embarrassed and I didn’t want to put in on my blog but I need to be honest to my readers (all 3 of you).

Yes, he paid $ for it and no, it’s not for one of our sons.  It’s for him to wear.  Hoping that I made fun of it enough that he never actually wears it (except for maybe mowing the lawn).

Question…Would you still be my friend if I wore my underwear over my clothes?  I’m still being serious…

2 Responses to “Mary Poppins Carpet Bag Shoes…”

  1. Holly @ RUST BELT RUNNER August 8, 2011 at 11:11 pm #

    It sure sounds like your office has a lax dress code! I think it’s funny they say no sandals. Haha. I can wear sandals, but everything else they have a rule for. BOO.

    May I ask you consider posting about your Nike Free shoes? I am curious about them because it looks like that’s what you run in. Have you always been minimalist? Do they reduce injury? Etc. (Thinking about a pair myself.)

    Perhaps in general, share more about your running history. Woman the blog is pretty bare! Just saying! 😉

    • Shelly in MI August 9, 2011 at 6:37 pm #


      Thank you very much for the feedback. I’ll try to touch base on the items you mentioned. I’m not a writer (big surprise) and I’m an amateur runner so I hope I write something helpful. Check out today’s post which I’ll post later tonight.


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