Tag Archives: calf size

The Carnies Are Back …

2 Aug

I really do have a serious question for the runners out there.  What am I supposed to do when my right calf is bigger then my left?  It’s starting to make me a little crazy.

How the hell did this happen in the first place?

Is it because I pronate a little on my right side?

Doesn’t everyone have some type of weird running form?  Pigeon toe? Pronation? Fluctuance?  Help!


My grandma’s finally moving to a new assisted living center.  It’s going to be so nice for her.  She’s not happy about moving but she did love that they had cupcakes and drinks as a goodbye to her.

My grammy’s wearing lavender.


The fair’s in town and we’ll probably miss it.  It’s fun to go once a year so I can “people watch”  (“Nice tube top — how come you can’t keep your boobs in it?”, “Did you get that belt buckle with your name on it made here –I need to get one too–it’d go with all of my outfits”)  but not worth the $8 entry fee per person.  I also like to go to stuff myself with horrible fair food.  Makes me so sick every time.

So, Holly, my daughter, made fair food for us.  Italian sausages, peppers, onions and tomatoes.  NO big homemade bun though.  No homemade potato chips either but Holly sliced ’em thin and baked ’em w/olive oil.  Good stuff.  I feel a little sick.

Missing the fair mean’s missing the hot, svetty weather and the Demolition Derby.  We’ll survive, I know.

Mike has a late softball game at 9:15.  Since we ate early enough, “fair food” dinner settled in time for Holly and I to run to the field to watch him play.

Running by The Fair.

I’ll leave you with a picture of a Luna Moth…